Penyanyi dangdut Meggy Z meninggal dunia Kamis dini hari. Menurut Manajer Medik Rumah Sakit Bunda Depok, dr Ahmad Rifiq, Meggy Z sudah meninggal sebelum sampai di Rumah Sakit.
Meggy Z dangdut singer died Thursday morning. According to Medical Manager Depok Mother Hospital, Dr. Ahmad Rifiq, Meggy Z had died before reaching hospital.“Almarhum sudah dipastikan meninggal di jalan sebelum masuk rumah sakit,” ujar Ahmad ketika dihubungi, Kamis (21/10).
"My late been confirmed dead in the street before entering the hospital," Ahmad said when contacted on Thursday (21/10).
Menurut Ahmad, dalam perjalanan menuju Rumah Sakit, pihaknya telah mendeteksi kelistrikan pada jantung dan fungsi otak Meggy Z. “Sudah tidak ada,” ujar Ahmad.
According to Ahmad, on the way to hospital, it has been detected in the heart and electrical brain function Meggy Z. "It's not there," said Ahmad.
Ahmad sendiri enggan memastikan penyebab meninggalnya Meggy Z. Menurut Ahmad, jenazah Meggy Z sampai di Rumah Sakit sekitar pukul 00.45 WIB. Setelah diperiksa lebih lanjut, jenazah dibawa pulang keluarga sekitar pukul 03.00 WIB.
Ahmad himself was reluctant to make sure the cause of death Meggy Z. According to Ahmad, the body Meggy Z arrived at hospital at around 00:45 pm. After further review, the family brought home the bodies at around 03.00 AM.
Seperti ditulis Majalah TEMPO edisi 21 Mei 1991, nama Meggy Z melejit setelah menyanyikan lagu ciptaan Obbie Mesakh Lebih Baik Sakit Gigi. Kasetnya terjual sampai 300 ribu buah.
As written in TEMPO Magazine May 21, 1991 edition, the name Meggy Z song skyrocketed after the creation Meshach Obbie Better Toothache. Cassettes were sold to 300 thousand units.
Meggy Z mulai berdangdut 1968, tapi hingga 1980-an masih tergolong papan bawah. Padahal, selain menyanyi dan memainkan musik, ia juga bisa mencipta lagu. Permohonan -- diciptakan 1-969 -- adalah lagu pertamanya yang masuk rekaman yang didendangkan Muchsin Alatas. "Rasanya bangga banget," kata Meggy.
Meggy Z began berdangdut 1968, but until the 1980s is still relatively under the board. Whereas, in addition to singing and playing music, he also could create a song. Application - created 1-969 - is the first song that entered the record sing Muchsin Alatas. "It felt so proud," said Meggy.
Pada 1973 ia ditawari Husen Bawafie -- pimpinan Orkes Melayu Chandra Lela -- - untuk menyanyikan lagu Seraut Wajah ciptaan M. Fariz. Tapi, tak digubris pendengar.
In 1973 he was offered Husen Bawafie - Orchestra leader Chandra Lela Melayu - - to sing the song of creation face M. Fariz. But the audience ignored.
Ia tak patah arang. Sambil berdendang, sejak 1981 ia kembali mengasah kebolehannya mencipta lagu. Kebetulan pada 1987 Puspita Record punya gagasan menelurkan album Sepuluh Pencipta Penyanyi. Lagu Sakit Hati yang dinyanyikannya sendiri tercantum di urutan akhir side B -- artinya jadi juru kunci. Tak dinyana, pendengar menyenanginya. Setelah itu dua lagu ciptaannya yang lain melejit. Judulnya Jeritan Kasih (dinyanyikan Yusnia) dan Hitam bukan Putih (didendangkan Mega Mustika).
He had broken charcoal. Singing, since 1981 he returned honed skill to create songs. Incidentally in 1987 Puspita Record album has spawned the idea of the Creator Ten singers. The song she sang Heart Hospital itself listed in the order of the end of side B - that is to be the caretaker. No warning, the audience liked it. After that, two other songs that skyrocketed. The title screams Love (sung Yusnia) and Black is not White (sing Mega Mustika).
Singkat cerita, ditekenlah kontrak dengan Gajah Mada Record -- sebelumnya pernah di Yukawi Record. Lewat lagu Lebih Baik Sakit Gigi ciptaan Obbie Mesakh, Meggy boleh mencatat 1990 sebagai tahun sukses. Gubuk Bambu, Kabut November, Habibie juga akrab di telinga dan di bibir penggemarnya. Tarifnya kini Rp 3 juta untuk manggung di luar Jawa dan Rp 2 juta di Pulau Jawa. Meggy juga mematok harga Rp 2 untuk sebuah judul lagu ciptaannya.
Short story, ditekenlah contract with Gajah Mada Record - previously had in Yukawi Record. Through Better song creation Obbie Toothache Meshach, Meggy be recorded as the year 1990 a success. Bamboo Shack, November Fog, Habibie also familiar in the ears and on the lips of fans. The price is now USD $ 3 million for a gig outside of Java and Rp 2 million on the island of Java. Meggy also fix the price USD $ 2 for a title songs.
Honor menyanyi lagu di Gajah Mada Record Rp 750 ribu per judul. "Kalau meledak, ditambah bonus," katanya. Lebih Baik Sakit Gigi menghasilkan sedan Mazda, Gubuk Bambu memberinya mobil Kijang Rover. Tahun depan ia juga dijanjihan naik haji berkat album Semut Merah yang sudah terjual 300 ribu kopi
Sing a song in honor of Gajah Mada Record Rp 750 thousand per title. "If it exploded, plus a bonus," he said. Toothache Better produces Mazda sedan, Bamboo Shack gave Kijang Rover. Next year he also made the pilgrimage dijanjihan thanks Red Ant album has sold 300 thousand copies
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