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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Udang Baru Tanpa Mata Ditemukan

Krustasea (udang-udangan) tanpa mata jenis baru ditemukan di goa bawah air terpanjang di dunia di Pulau Lanzarote yang masih wilayah Kepulauan Canary (kekuasaan Spanyol).Speleonectes atlantida, demikian nama hewan itu dinamai sesuai dengan tempat ditemukannya di Terowongan Atlantida, berukuran panjang 20 milimeter.Makhluk aneh itu diduga termasuk kelompok udang purba yang dulu banyak berkeliaran di lautan Mesozoik lebih dari 200 juta tahun lalu.Makhluk tanpa tulang belakang itu termasuk ke kelompok krustasea unik yang disebut Remipedia. Jenis itu pertama kali diidentifikasi para ilmuwan tahun 1979.Terdapat 22 jenis Remipedia yang sudah diketahui menghuni kegelapan perairan di goa-goa bawah air di seluruh dunia, mulai dari Bahama hingga barat Australia. ”Krustasea baru ini dilengkapi sengat tajam beracun yang berfungsi sebagai jarum injeksi,” ujar Stefan Koenemann dari Institute for Animal Ecology and Cell Biology University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Jerman.


New Shrimp Found Without Eyes

Crustaceans (crustaceans) a new type without eye found in the longest underwater cave in the world on the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands are still areas (Spanish rule). Speleonectes Atlántida, so named for the animal's name in accordance with the invention in Tunnel Atlántida, long size 20 millimeters. Strange creature that allegedly belonged to the ancient shrimp that had a lot of hanging around the Mesozoic seas more than 200 million years ago. Creature without backbone that includes the unique group of crustaceans called Remipedia. Types were first identified in 1979 scientists. There are 22 types of known Remipedia inhabit the dark waters of caves under the water in the world, ranging from the Bahamas to western Australia. "This new Crustaceans has sharp poisonous sting that functions as a hypodermic needle," said Stefan Koenemann from the Institute for Animal Ecology and Cell Biology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany.


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