Earn Money With Your Very Own Free Blog!
What is a Blog?
Because there are so many different types of Blogs, it's hard to come up with a single definition. Weblogs change and evolve over time but at their core weblogs are similar to a personal journal - web pages or online entries with distinct chunks of information. They are usually organized by date from most recent to oldest.
There are exceptions to every definition and that's certainly the case for Weblogs. Some weblog authors devote a page to every day; others organize them by personal categories.
What usually remains consistent is the content of a Weblog. In most cases they contain short bursts of text sprinkled with newsworthy links and tidbits of information. Weblogs are like a personal "readers digest" version of what the weblog owner thinks is important!
Why is A Blog So Important to Your Business?
Fact: There are so many Blogs or Web Logs available today that they have their very own search engine. The engine watches 654,108 different weblogs with more than 25,074,570 active links and an additional 55,943,837 links being tracked.
Fact: Today's Blogsphere (Blogs Worldwide) contains millions of Bloggers, making millions of Weblog entries each day.
Fact: Blogs represent the only source of "Opt-In - Full Permission" subscription source for the online marketer.
Fact: An overabundance of "me too" home pages, emails, and spam has killed the promise of "one to one" communication. It's getting harder and harder to connect with your existing and potential clients online.
Blogs Are Exciting...But There Is A Big Problem!
No One is Making Any Money With Their Blog! If you searched any one of the millions of available Blogs, you would find boat loads of fresh information about any topic. Unfortunately the Blog owner is wasting their time by giving away all that fresh independent thought and volumes of new information in their Blog!
How Much Is Your Time, Energy and Fresh Information Worth?
Let's get right to the point...
I will provide you with a tried, tested and proven process that anyone with a Blog can use to earn real money from real customers. Properly implemented a profit pulling Blog can generate a stampede of laser focused, interested and targeted traffic - quickly, without spending a penny!
Applying My Blogging Secrets Will:
1. Guarantee That What You Publish Gets Read
2. Eliminate SPAM Complaints and Headaches
3. Build Your Email List and Subscriber Base
4. Craft and Develop Your Expert Status in Your Chosen Field - Faster...
While there is a great deal of buzz surrounding Weblogs in niche markets, very few entrepreneurs, independent professionals and small business owners are utilizing Weblogs (let alone know what they are or how to start one). And the ones that do seem to be bent on publishing their weblogs as a "NOT FOR PROFIT" endeavor.
What's more discouraging is that 99% of these marketers who are trying to profit from their Blogs will fail.
My unique "Blogging For Dollars" toolkit is an easy to follow, step-by-step process that turns your personal opinions, into new subscribers, and a steady stream of loyal targeted traffic. Best of all you will learn how to earn money doing what you are already doing - risk free.
Everyday your prospects get the information they need to make decisions by searching on the web. But with the overflow of spam and unsolicited email many of those messages are blocked. They Never Get Read! Yet, it's vitally important to your pocket book that they see and then click on the links to your sales pages and product offers. You have to make sure that your potential customers know you, trust you and act on your recommendations.
It's frustrating!
With so many emails and so much spam it's impossible to stand out in the crowd and get your message heard. Yet you know that your online business depends on the right kind of customers visiting your sales pages.
This is where your very own Blog can help. If you aren't sure what a Blog Is yet or how it can help you, hang tight. I'll get to that shortly. For now realize that while 99.99% of Bloggers are giving away all of their information, there are some savvy Blogging veterans who spend each day smothered in customers. What do they all have in common? They've found a direct - personal one-to-one connection to their target audience.
These successful online businesses use Profit Pulling Blogs that generate powerful word of mouth advertising and an avalanche of customers that never seems to stop! Their biggest problem is trying to fill all the orders.
This isn't fiction. It's not a pipe dream. It's reality.
Avoid The Same Mistakes Mainstream Bloggers Make. I'll show you how to avoid these common mistakes so all your publishing efforts pay off big time.
Learn 8 Ways Your Blog Can Create a Huge Surge In Web Site Traffic. Only now are some marketers becoming aware of how high a value traditional marketing strategies are putting on Blogs. In fact you'll learn about an upcoming search engine secret that will blow the roof off of your traffic.
Learn The Secret "Blog Profit TM" Formula to Power Your Newsletter and Information Publishing Strategy. Get this part right and your site will act like a powerful magnet to iron filings!
Use A Quick and Powerful Blogging Secret to Duplicate Yourself. Now everything you publish can be updated in desktops world wide, without you lifting a finger. Dramatically expand the reach and effectiveness of everything you create.
Discover a Little Known Blogging Secret that adds concurrent multiple streams of income to your Blog - even if your Blog currently has little or nocontent.
Pile Up Thousands Of Dollars In Affiliate Commissions. I'm not referring to spam or some secret MLM program. And it doesn’t matter if you have a product/service of your own. You’ll learn how to Blog your way to thousands of dollars even if you don't have your own product to promote.
Never Waste Your Time Or Money Again. There's no need to spend your hard earned money and valuable time with gimmicks. I'll show you how to start and publish your very own Blog without spending a penny.
How To Leverage Other Publishers Content...and Blogs. This creative secret involves little effort on your part, but rewards you with big results.
A Blog Subscription Secret That Is Revolutionizing Permission Marketing and the whole idea behind "opt-in". I'm so pumped about this one that I even have a new piece of software being created to cash in on it.
What Style and Type Of Blog Are Best Suited For Your Market? Learn from my costly mistakes. I've been online since 1995, and testing out Blogging strategy since early 2001. I've tested, tweaked and verified the "Blog Profit TM" formula. I put all of that experience in this toolkit.
The Two Most Important Things You Must Include In Your Blog. Forgetting either of these may mean the difference between hard work and outrageous profits.
An Easy To Implement Secret That Guarantees That No One Leaves With Your Best Information.
Real Ways to Generate Direct Sales - Right In Your Blog. Learn 6 ways to influence and persuade your readers without trying.
Learn the Real Deal on Blog Layouts and Formats. This section will save you a heap of time and show you what really works today.
The single most important thing that you need to do to guarantee the responses you want from your readers and why Your Blog Is The Best Direct Link To Your Customers.
You'll Need A Blog - If You Don't Have One I'll Show You Where To Get One For Free!
These are simple techniques. But you have to have something to say! All I'm going to do is tell you where to put that information and how to structure that information on your Blog.
You need to have a little patience. Once you've done your part, you might have to wait a bit before you see the results. It takes a little time for your new and existing clients to find out about your Blog. It would be nice to get instant results, but Blogging takes a little longer.
I will teach you what I know, but you have to be willing to do the work. This isn't like a traditional link filled ebook that you scan and delete. This multimedia ebook is filled with real online training sessions and screen captures that you follow along with. There's no getting around it, you have to put in a little effort.
I've never been a fan of hard work - and that's why I like this system. And once you understand how easy it is to profit from your very own Blog, you'll start getting paid for what you already know and do.
In the end, a ton of extra traffic and more sales is easy to enjoy and outweighs any effort on your part!
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