Kehadiran free anti virus Microsoft Security Essentials ( MSE ) merupakan angin segar bagi para pengguna komputer di seluruh dunia namun sebaliknya merupakan berita buruk bagi para pengembang anti virus komersial.
Menurut independent security researchers AV-Comparatives dalam uji coba perbandingan beberapa anti virus, AV-Comparatives menyatakan bahwa Microsoft Security Essentials merupakan anti virus yang termasuk kategori berkemampuan bagus.
The presence of free anti-virus Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is a fresh breeze for computer users around the world but instead is bad news for developers of commercial anti-virus.
According to independent security researchers in the AV-comparatives testing some anti-virus comparisons, AV-comparatives stating that Microsoft Security Essentials is an anti-virus capable of including the category of good.
Walaupun demikian ada beberapa laporan terjadi crash padaMicrosoft Security Essentials setelah melakukan custom settings. Jika anda termasuk pengguna Microsoft Security Essentials dan mengalami crash atau rusak, maka anda boleh mencoba tool yang bernama fix MSE V1.0.
Nevertheless there are some reports the crash happened padaMicrosoft Security Essentials after custom settings. If you are including the user and Microsoft Security Essentials crashes or damaged, then you can try a tool called fix MSE V1.0.
Dengan fix MSE maka semua setting Microsoft Security Essentials akan dikembalikan ke default setting dan diharapkan antivirus anda akan kembali bekerja secara normal. Perbaiki Microsoft Security Essentials Dengan Fix MSE caranya cukup mudah, anda hanya klik tombol “ Fix MSE “ dan MSE anda akan normal kembali.
MSE fix it with all Microsoft Security Essentials settings will be restored to default settings and your antivirus is expected to be back working normally. Fix Microsoft Security Essentials With MSE Fix how easy enough, you simply click the "Fix MSE and MSE will be normal again.
From : kolomtutorial
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